Targeted exercise with personal attention

At Your Club Name, we understand that one size doesn’t always fit all. That’s why we offer numerous ways to exercise, and depending on your preference, you choose what fits you best. If you get bored with solo exercise, but don’t enjoy the energy of a large group, then small group training at our Dublin gym is for you!

Small group training means that class size is limited to no more than 6 members, so you’ll find the personal instruction you need along with the support and camaraderie of others. High intensity interval training (H.I.I.T.) and boot camp are just a few of the instructor-led sessions that we offer in a small group setting.

Dive in with motivation and accountability — and get ready to reach your fitness goals! Call our gym in Dublin for more information about small group training options.

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Free consultation

Free consultation

When you're ready to make the commitment to your fitness, stop by Your Club Name for a free consultation with a personal trainer. Start on the right track!
Excellent service

Excellent service

You matter. That's why our team gives 100% to every member, every day. We'll greet you with respect and make sure you have what you need to achieve fitness.
Best trainers

Best trainers

The certified trainers at our Dublin gym are experts in what they do -- helping each member achieve real results and meet their fitness goals. They're the best!
Team wellness

Team wellness

Your Club Name is dedicated to helping our business community stay fit. We offer customized programs to help employees experience the benefits of exercise.